University of Ioannina, Greece


ED-XRF Spectroscopy Unit




In the XRF technique, the analyzed sample is irradiated with primary X-rays and subsequently emits fluorescent X-rays, which are characteristic of the atoms present in the sample and are used for the elemental analysis. Thus, any XRF spectroscopy equipment typically consists of an X-ray source for sample excitation and a detection system for detecting the secondary fluorescent X-rays.

The Unit maintains two home-built ED-XRF spectroscopy arrangements, with the following features:


Exciting radiation:

  • annular radioisotopic sources: 109Cd (T1/2~463 d) and 241Am (T1/2~432 y)



  • Si(Li) semiconductor (CANBERRA, SL80175):  5-mm-thick crystal, 80 mm2 active surface, 25-ìm-thick Be window, 171 eV resolution at 5.9 keV, LN2 cooling

  • Si-PIN diode (Amptek X-123 complete X-ray spectrometer):  300-ìm-thick, 6 mm2 area, 12.5-ìm-thick Be window, 145 eV resolution at 5.9 keV, thermoelectric cooling



  • Commercial software for data acquisition and display, IAEA WinQXAS freeware, for spectral analysis, home-made codes for fundamental parameter analysis


Elemental range:

  • Chlorine (Cl) to uranium (U), detection limits depend on the specific element and sample matrix


Sample preparation facilities:


Standard laboratory equipment - grinders, mortars, sieves, furnace, balance, pellet press, freeze drier - is used for sample handling and preparation, while chemical reagents and standard reference materials for quantitative analysis are also available.


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